Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse Axis: The Lord of The Dance

On the 19th of November 2021, we have the first Lunar North Node Eclipse (Partial) in the Taurus-Scorpio Axis.

Although the Lunar Nodes will enter this axis on the 19th of January 2022, the Moon will be near enough to the Lunar Nodes points to be partially covered by the Earth whilst in a Full Moon phase.

Eclipses are a very interesting subject to explore in Astrology and it needs at least a blog post on its own. However, in this post, I would like to focus on the general significations of eclipses in the Taurus-Scorpio axis.


Let us go to the basics

Taurus is the nighttime house of Venus. Scorpio is the nighttime house of Mars.

By nighttime or nocturnal house of a planet, we mean that the energy is introspective, yin, reflective more than reactive, subjective.

Both Taurus and Scorpio are fixed in modality.

By that we mean the energy as it unfurls itself through time and space it does it with consistency. It is an energy that increases that which already is present, so it has a stabilising effect.

Taurus is Earth Element. Scorpio is Water Element.

The Earth element is concerned with all that is material, in the sense of the building blocks of our lives. It is sensual because Earth is guided by its interaction with matter and the information it receives from the five senses. And yes common sense is its motto. Being introspective, Earth tends to be more conservative.

The Water Element is concerned with impressions. Just consider the Water as being the universal solvent of all matter (or nearly) and life as we know it in this part of the Universe. Water is fluid and changeable. The famous experiments of The Memory of Water by Dr Masaru Emoto poetically brings to light this capacity of the Water element.


Taurus is ruled by Venus. Scorpio is ruled by Mars

Venus is the magnetic force of the Universe. It tends to attract “things” towards it rather than chasing them. By nature, it tends to prefer harmonising than creating strife. It can be warm or cooling according to the circumstances. But usually, the result is pacifying. Venus tends to be moist, so it binds things together and with that creates new realities.

Mars is the driving force of the Universe, as in, goes out and gets what it wants. Mars ancient symbol was a knife because it is the individualisation force of nature. It is hot (high in kinetic energy) and dry (objective).  That energy that no matter what I am going to prevail and be me. It is the Primal Force that is ready to cut if needs be to survive or to be.

Venus through Taurus brings harmony in all that is primary comfort, sensual pleasures and essentials for quite enjoyable living.  It is fertile and takes good care of its own garden with steadiness. Loyalty to that which sustains life and joy makes any threat to the security of the food chain, money or affections a national threat and a red flag that sets the Bull rolling.  The magnetic force is hugely amplified here.

Mars through Scorpio brings heat to Water, so what normally would have been only reflectiveness now it becomes pondering for eventual action. Water gives Mars the ability to steady itself and not act on impulse but also a memory that never expires. Anything that threatens individualisation and survival is with no regret cut off. Read more in my posts on Mars in Scorpio and Sun in Scorpio.


Now let’s bring it all together through the perspective of eclipses

Eclipses by themselves are energy shifts, perturbations that are not usually present in our lives. Whether the Earth covers the Moon, Lunar Eclipse or the Moon covers the Sun, Solar Eclipse, they are events that change temporarily the electromagnetic energy of the Earth. This causes a change in the normal flow of energy, resetting and pausing for all of Earth including us.

So with the Taurus-Scorpio Eclipses, we will see perturbations, upsets and turmoils with all that concerns all of what we were speaking about. Now since these Zodiac Signs are in fixed modalities, the breaking of the usual will bring huge shifts and upheavals until then things will settle down. And the effects of the Eclipses will keep on rippling for a long time. Add also that the North Node (the lunar part in the Taurus area from 2022-2023), will be in the co-presence of Uranus in Taurus, the Earth Shaker and/or the Goddess Rising. This gives added oomph.

For clarity of reasoning, I have been dividing the description in two but there is no clear cut effect. Please always take into account both polarities, because it is always a dance between the two, the beat of the Earth that swings one way and another and in the meantime weaves reality.

Another thing to consider when reading the following. Venus tends to be seen as a benefic, that is bringer of good things. Mars is seen as a malefic, bringer of bad things. As usual in this part of the Universe, there is never a clear cut way and both energies are needed in our lives.

The following are some areas in the world at large (Mundane Astrology) that could come into action with these Eclipses.


The magnetic field of the Earth will be triggered and increased. The Earth feels like it is pregnant and wants to give birth to new things to dwell on this planet. Seismic activity increases. Volcano eruptions. Anything that has to do with our way of providing food for our societies, that is our food chain. Cultivation of crops, agriculture, gardeners but especially animal farms in particular cows and all that derives from it. Biology and Geology in all their declinations.

All the five senses will be spurred. The hospitality industry especially the ones that give precedence to luxury and comfort. Spa, massage, aromatherapy, soap, make-up, fabric industry. Catering industry, including bars and restaurants. Flower, jewel and fashion industry. The Arts as in their more sensual expression of them.

Finance will see changes. Not as in the high trading of the establishment although by ripple effect it will be affected too but as is in how money is used in the community to bring wealth, trading of goods and earning of living and comfort. We might see new money being coined (literally as in nickel, copper, silver and gold) and put into circulation. Or new ideas of what is currency.



Underground water swells and comes up. Usually, it tends to be dirty, foul and contaminated water. Sewage Industries. Insects especially arachnids and reptiles.  Risks of water-born diseases. Blood diseases. Alterations in the fertility of living beings. Anything that has to do with male genital, including sperm harvesting such as sperm banks. Venereal diseases. All that has become a threat to the survival of life will be killed. Spying industry. Cold War. Forensic medicine and pathology.

Mass dying or genocides. The Death industry. Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceutical industries with all that derive from them. Biological warfare. Iron and steel industry (and the working of metals in general). The Healing arts, especially those that turn poison into medicine. Alchemy. Knives and cutting instruments industries, including surgery and surgeons. Fermentation industries like wine and beer. Oil and gas industries include mining and drilling.

The primal force and instincts of survival are heightened so are the senses that can see in the “night”. The ones that go beyond our material world, across the veil and into other dimensions. Eclipses can make thinner such boundaries with the ability for borders between the living and the death to be permeable.


As you can see (or perhaps better say feel) the Taurus-Scorpio axis is intimately linked with what comes into life and its sustenance and what goes out of life and its transformation. You can’t have one without the other. Reminds me so much of Shiva Nataraja, the Lord of the Dance.  Here is a short video explaining who is The Lord of the Dance.

With the eclipses on this axis, our perception of what is Life and what is Death and anything in between will be challenged from all over the spectrum.

For more information about the Lunar Nodes in general click here.



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Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash